Competition Locations

Long-Term Problem Locations

Competition map for competition sites and prop-drop locations.

Note: Team check-in will be at your long-term problem performance location.  Only coaches may check in their teams.

Problem #  Long-term Performance Site  Prop Room Site 
P1 – Drive-In Movie  Pelz Gymnasium  Pelz hallway 
P2 – AI Tech-No-Art Engleman Hall, room B121A/B Engleman Hall, room B125
P3 – Classics… Opening Night…  Engleman Hall, room B121A/B Engleman Hall, room B125
P4 – Deep Space Structure Engleman Hall, room D125 Engleman Hall, hallway outside of room D125
Weigh In, room D122
P5 – Rocking World Detour Engleman Hall, room C112 Engleman Hall, room B118
Primary – The Night Life Engleman Hall, room D125 Engleman Hall, hallway outside of room D125

Prop drop Locations

See prop drop map here.

Prop drop signs are NYC-styled subway signs:

IMPORTANT – All Problems: Prop drop driver must not park and leave vehicle unattended at the prop drop site. Drop the props on the sidewalk and move the car immediately to assigned parking for your problem. Pre-arrange for another adult to be there to receive the props and carry them to your assigned prop room location indoors. Or return immediately to bring the props indoors. CTOM volunteers will be at the prop drop locations to guide you.

Spontaneous Competition Location Procedure for Problems 1 – 5

  • Teams and their coaches will check in at the Spontaneous check-in desk on the second floor, B wing, in Engleman Hall and then will be directed to the holding room.
  • Once the team is escorted to the competition room, the coach will wait for the team’s return in the debriefing room.
  • The is no audience allowed for the Spontaneous competition.

Primary Teams Spontaneous Competition Location – Optional for Primary Teams

  • Engleman Hall, Room A-115
  • Coaches check in their team, but do not accompany them into the competition room. They will wait for the team in the hallway or in a nearby classroom.
  • There is no audience allowed for the Spontaneous competition.

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