General Tournament Overview

CTOM Tournament Program

The CTOM Tournament Program is available here!

Information Desks

Engleman Hall Rotunda, 7: 00 a.m. –  3:00 p.m.


There is no guest Wifi at SCSU.  There are no copiers available at SCSU.

Paper Work

Check the Program Guide and your long-term problem – bring the required number of copies of the following for your problem. Be sure to keep extra copies of your paperwork in case your team goes to Worlds!  

There are no copiers and no guest Wifi available for coaches to use at SCSU.

Here are the forms needed:

  • Style forms – All style forms have the same format and scoring structure (4 style elements and 1 overall style element).  Each problem has different style elements scored. Usually 2 pre-determined in the long term problem and 2 free choice of the team. Refer to your long-term problem scoring section and Program Guide for additional details.
  • Cost Forms – All cost forms have the same format but may have different amounts allocated depending on the problem. Refer to your long-term problem and Program Guide for additional details.
  • Additional paperwork – Some long-term problems require additional paperwork – check your problem for details
  • Clarifications – Any clarification that is relevant for your team’s problem
  • Outside Assistance Form

CTOM Policies

Review the CTOM Policy Guide and discuss with your teams.
Review the CTOM Registration and Payment Policy
Questions should be referred to our Association Director.

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