CTOM Spontaneous Resources

Spontaneous basics

Coaching Spontaneous Training

Dave’s Spontaneous Tips  – a must read for all coaches!

Spontaneous problems on CTOM’s SponZone Archive!

Spon Problems and many other resources from CCI

A must see TED talk

Spontaneous Scrimmages

A Spontaneous Scrimmage is a great way for your team to practice in an environment similar to competition day. If you are interested in holding a scrimmage in your town, please reach out to our Association Director for support and guidance.

The Brain Turner

Here is a great tool to get your team thinking…  Brain Tuner. We encourage you to work with your team before jumping to the answers.

SPON Problems

The Fine Print

It is the responsibility of each coach to know the current rules that are applied during the spontaneous problem. The problems found on Spon Zone and on other external web pages may contain legacy instructions due to rule changes over the years.