World Finals Fundraising Ideas IdeasBelow is a page to give coaches ideas how to raise money for Worlds Finals.  This is a work in progress . Send your ideas to Association Director to have them them added to this page.

  • Have the most popular teacher in the school toss from the school roof student made contraptions that keep an egg from breaking. Charge $5.00 per container to participate.
  • Do a can and bottle drive.
  • Charge a few dollars admission and perform your long term problem for the school.
  • Get a popular teacher to be dunked at the spring fair, charge a few dollars.
  • Start simple and stay simple. Assign/Request a non-coach parent to lead fundraising.
  • Look to the school to help with easy fundraisers – PJ days, movie nights, PTA, Father’s Club, car wash, sell t-shirts or pins, Board of Education
  • Local restaurants may help with fundraisers – 20% of dinner checks
  • Bake sales at soccer or baseball leagues (lots of work, but kids love to bake and sell)
  • Rotary Club
  • Business Initiatives Associations – Odyssey builds skills sets for future employment
  • Go Fund Me Page is easy for long distance relatives to donate. Advertise on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Fundraising ideas from CCI.