Worlds Finals Information
World Finals Coaches Meeting
It is required for all coaches of qualified teams to attend the CTOM world finals meeting.
When: March 31, at 7:00 pm
Where: Virtual.
A link to the meeting will be emailed the night prior to the meeting.
Coaches/Parents should review the official Odyssey Of The Mind World Finals website prior to this meeting.
World Finals Merchandise Price List
The 2024 World Finals merchandise order form will be emailed directly to all World Finals coaches. Coaches must place one order for their entire team. Order should include team members and coaches, as well as any chaperones or accompanying family members interested in merchandise. The order form will allow for edits until April 1st.
Final orders due April 1st, 2024.
Only 1 order per team.
Pickup location(s): TBD
For questions please contact